With the Fanya Juu & Fanya Chini method, you dig contours within your farmland to harvest rainwater. The name Fanya Chini literally means “throw it downwards” in Kiswahili. It consists of trenches and earthen ridges facing downslope. It prevents the rain that falls outside your farm from flowing into or through the farm, protecting the fertile soil from erosion. The name Fanya Juu means “throw it upwards” in Kiswahili and it is very similar to Fanya Chini since it consists of terrace bunds and ditches along the contour. Fanya Juu prevents the rain that falls within your farm from flowing away, increasing water availability for the crops on your land. In the end, it helps you to regreen your own land.
Learn the 6 steps of Fanya Juu & Fanya Chini below!