A greener planet makes a cooler planet
With your donation you contribute to the regreening of Africa. By restoring all degraded land on Earth, we can mitigate global warming by 37%!
Donating to Justdiggit means you are contributing to a greener and cooler planet. Besides the positive climate impact, your donation also improves water- and food security, biodiversity, local economy, and livelihoods!
With your donation, you make a direct impact on:
With your donation you contribute to the regreening of Africa. By restoring all degraded land on Earth, we can mitigate global warming by 37%!
Our regreening projects help to restore the water balance in the soil and bring back vegetation. This also promotes biodiversity within the project areas.
The communities involved directly benefit from our programs as we create a better living environment and increase economic development.
In case you wish to support us with tax benefits, we can set up a donation agreement together.