Farmers in Senegal restore nearly 100,000 trees through traditional techniques
What we do
Building a global landscape restoration movement
Our global online and offline awareness campaigns are developed to promote nature-based solutions and to inspire, unite and activate an entire generation and grow a landscape restoration movement.
Our approach is to regreen hearts and minds by delivering the right message, to the right audience at the right time. Our network of media partners helps us spread this message, and spread the green.
If you want to make a global change, you need to be everywhere: news, ads, social channels, conversations, and above all in people’s hearts and minds. To do this, we use the power of media and communications, to build awareness and understanding and to show that together we can have a positive and significant impact on climate change.
Through various channels, we communicate to our audience: farmers, pastoralists, policy makers, consumers, companies, foundations, sponsors, rainmakers, followers, alliance partners, project partners, media partners and our ambassadors. Each of these requires a different communications format and approach.
The campaigns are specifically developed for each country or landscape. In Kenya we show the digging techniques, and in Tanzania we promote the Kisiki Hai technique of restoring trees. In our European and global campaigns we have been breaking down the science into a more easy-to-digest language: regreening = cooling down the planet. For instance, the video below shows our Tanzanian campaign (2019) in English. We also have a version in Swahili.
With a mission
Working together with amazing media partners supports us on a global level by developing our campaigns and giving them the exposure they need. They have effectively donated millions in terms of media value, but more importantly we have reached millions and millions of people in both Europe and Africa.
Billboard in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
We develop customized campaigns for television, radio, cinema, and out-of-home purposes.
The campaigns are broadcast completely free of charge thanks to our wonderful media partners and well-known broadcasting channels. Our campaigns show Justdiggit’s work and its positive impact on climate, people, and biodiversity.
Contactless regreening
Contactless regreening is part of our regular communication approach in Tanzania. This contains radio programs, sms service, branded murals, posters and flyers. Even without any physical presence, we still reach hundreds of thousands of people.
Using social media with the support of our online content partners, we keep our followers up to date on our latest projects and insights.
Our main social channels are Instagram and TikTok, but we are also active on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter and are currently looking for new channels to start using.
Collaborating with social media influencers contributes to our reaching a newer and younger target audience to share our work and the importance of regreening.
Our state-of-the-art documentaries are created about our regreening projects to document both our approach and their impressive results.
We are always working on finding new innovative ways to create positive awareness about our regreening solutions. Some examples:
Raindance – Since there is no movement without rhythm, we launched The Raindance Project: a series of simultaneous biennial live concerts, to celebrate and showcase the potential of landscape restoration to the world – and to raise funds for our projects in Africa. The festival was held simultaneously at three different locations (Kenya, Tanzania and the Netherlands), and all locations were live connected to one another, to bring together one movement and celebrate regreening together.
Bund tool – We developed a bund tool where consumers can buy bunds and make a positive climate impact. They also directly support a farmer who digs the bund in Kenya. Once the bund has been dug, they receive a personal bund certificate.
The Raindance Festival - Tanzania, 2019