December 6, 2021

Ranger refresher training

The rangers in the Kuku Group Ranch received a refresher training. This training will help them to protect the regreened areas even better!

About the rangers
The rangers are the guardians of the regreened bund areas and are particularly important in the period after the bunds are dug. They ensure that the project areas are protected from grazing livestock, preventing additional overgrazing which could lead to degradation of the land. Besides this, they also protect the wildlife in the areas from poachers.

Refreshment training
The rangers play a very important role in the maintenance of the restored project areas. To keep the rangers active and aware of their tasks, they received a refresher training. During the training, they learned more about the need and the process of restoration, their responsibilities as a ranger, the challenges they could face in the field, and the solutions to these challenges. With this training, the rangers can protect the regreened areas even better! Â