Running for a cooler planet: Nathan and Wilco’s 24-Hour trail challenge
For many of us, a twenty-minute run already tests our mental and physical limits. Nathan (29) and Wilco (30), however, seem to be built differently. Inspired by their past marathon successes and a desire to make a difference, these two colleagues are taking on a 24-hour trail run to support a good cause. That cause? You guessed it—they’re raising funds for our projects through their very own bundraiser!

Wilco (left) en Nathan (right)
Hey Wilco, what are your plans?
“Next Friday, we’re participating in the Zevenheuvelen Wintertrail in Nijmegen. Our goal is to complete the 24-hour run, which is exactly what it sounds like. Together, we’ll run for one day and one night, taking alternating ‘shifts’ so each of us can have small breaks in between.”
That’s… quite a challenge.
“It is! But we feel like we can do it. Last year, we both ran a marathon, so we feel well-prepared, although this time, we expect to cover about 100km each instead of 42km…
We’re counting on the support of our fantastic friends and family to help us push through the darkest hours. And of course another huge motivator is our bundraidser, with which we have already raised a nice amount of money for your organisation.”
Tell us more about that!
“We wanted to link this personal challenge to a cause that genuinely helps make the world a better place. We’ve both known about Justdiggit for a few years and have always admired your can-do mentality and the tangible impact of your work. Seeing the restoration and effects of the bunds makes nature restoration feel so real. Plus, your slogan, cooling down the planet, couldn’t be more fitting as we’ll literally be running through a chilly December night!”
If you’d like to cheer Nathan and Wilco on and support their efforts, you can find their bundraiser here.