Spreading the regreening message by bike
Spreading the regreening message by bike
With a name true to the incredible mission they are performing, our Champion Farmers teach fellow-farmers on how to regenerate trees on their farmlands. Through this innovative way of regreening their own land, millions of trees have been brought back in the Dodoma region in Tanzania, which will result in an increase of food production, household income and drought resilience. As a huge thank you for the hard and successful work the farmers have already accomplished, Justdiggit and partner LEAD have provided them with 1.000 second-hand bikes, to use in action!
Biking past Dodoma’s farms
The second-hand bikes were given to the farmers as gratitude for their powerful labor, and to motivate them to carry on giving information on regreening techniques to other farmers. The bikes are being used to quickly relocate from one farm to another. This way, the farmers do not only get to move more efficiently: they will also get the opportunity to accelerate the spread of their regreening knowledge! How awesome is that?
We are incredibly proud of the Champion Farmers and the work they’ve been doing over the past years. With their help, and the help of their fellow farmers, we can further regreen and cool down the Dodoma region!