December 15, 2022

Our new campaign: The greener, the cooler

It’s easier to believe in regreening when you can see with your own eyes that it works. That’s why we launched our new campaign ‘the greener, the cooler’, together with our long time partner, creative agency, Havas Lemz. Get ready to be transported to Africa!

group in grass

The campaign first launches in The Netherlands on television, radio, cinemas and out of home. It is set to launch in the UK, Germany and France in early 2023. Directed by Safi Graauw, the campaign celebrates the latest tangible success of our efforts to regreen degraded land in Africa by applying cost-effective nature-based solutions and communication-led initiatives. The campaign focuses on showing the before and after effects of regreening land in areas thought to be inhospitable for life, and builds on themes of inclusion by inviting the audience to “dig in and spread the word”.

We believe that to move people and businesses into action, simple ways to communicate are needed, along with stories that resonate and move others into taking practical steps – all whilst focusing on solutions rather than the complex challenge at hand. Real change comes from inspiring people to act, and act quickly. Storytelling can spread rapidly but the story needs to be positive and impactful.

Eco friendly campaign

The campaign includes scenes in Africa that were shot on the virtual set of ReadySet Studios in Amsterdam. Kind of magical, right?! And
 eco friendly.

“We do not want to tax the planet unnecessarily, so it is great not to have to travel halfway around the world to create such a production. We live what we preach, and technology has made that possible”, explains Remco Marinus, Executive Creative Director Havas Lemz.

On set

Safi Graauw, director: “Together with Justdiggit, we are constantly raising the visual bar. This time in collaboration with a Virtual Production studio. I am always grateful to the people who contribute to this mission out of kindness and that I get to see the impact with my own eyes, and then I wanted to translate this to the world.”

Amazing partners

We have launched this campaign as part of a continued effort to educate businesses and people on the impact of regreening initiatives in Africa, and the global impact we have versus local initiatives.

Women with baby

“With ‘The greener, the cooler’ we hope to inspire more people to share our message and help us continue to restore degraded land and improve the lives of everyone across the world”, says Wessel van Eden, Justdiggit CMO. “That why it’s so great to see how our partners like Havas Lemz, JCDecaux, Digital Cinema Media, Alight Media, MediaVision and many others that support us, take this campaign from inception and creation to sponsored distribution, and make it a success.”

Watch it here

Agency | Havas Lemz
Director | Safi Graauw
Production company | Pumpkin Spice
Producer | Michelle van Huisstede
DoP | Zeeger Verschuren
Edit | Studio Radijs
Grading | De Grot – Erik
Sound design | Soundsright
Music | Soundsright
VFX | The Panics
Voice | Sydney J Lowell
Special thanks | Ready Set Studios