Three new Grass Seed Banks
Three new Grass Seed Banks
When it comes to our grass seed banks projects, we always say the grass is greener… when collaborating with a women’s group! The projects are going so well that we decided to set up three new banks in our project in Olgulului-Ololarashi (OOGR), Kenya. Time for a little update!
Grass Seed Banks
Our grass seed banks project is all about regreening through sowing and harvesting grasses. The grass seed banks are naturally fenced with shrubbery to protect the grasses from grazing livestock and wildlife. Once the grasses are fully grown, they produce seeds that the community can sell on local markets and to other regreening projects. The grasses can also be sold as food for livestock. The result? More green and a better livelihood for the community!
Three new grass seed banks in OOGR
The three new grass seed banks are located in the OOGR project area and are managed by three different Maasai women groups. They have prepared the banks for the rainy season by weeding, plowing, and sowing the seeds. And now… we wait. As soon as the first rains of the rainy season will start falling, the seeds will sprout and grow into tall grasses. The impact of the grass seed banks is more vegetation, more business, and an increased income for the women! Now that is a good example of “you reap what you sow”.