Regreening techniques
Landscape restoration
Choosing the right landscape restoration technique for the right area
Our regreening techniques
Treecovery, or Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR), is an agroforestry approach to regrow trees and support new, naturally emerging sprouts to grow big.
It involves a process of selecting, pruning and protecting stumps of cut-down trees. With the right care, these stumps get the chance to grow into real trees again.

In many African countries there is enough rainfall. It however doesn’t fall often and when it does, it rains hard.
By capturing rainwater with the help of bunds, rainwater has more time to enter the soil and restore the water balance. The seeds in the soil get the chance to sprout, and eventually allow the area to grow green, lush and cool.

Grass seed banks
Within our grass seed banks, Maasai women grow, harvest, and sell grass (hay) and seeds.
They make an income by selling them on local markets or to organisations. The grass seed banks form an oasis of green in the barren surroundings, and the hay the women harvest is food for their livestock in dry seas

Other regreening techniques
Besides digging bunds, bringing back trees with Treecovery and growing grasses in the grass seed banks, we use multiple other regreening techniques to regreen degraded areas.
Olopololi plots and woodland exclosures are used to prevent overgrazing of grass- and woodland, whilst Fanya Juu & Fanya Chini and stone lines are used to capture rainwater that is running downhills.

Choosing the
right landscape
Regreening is not a one-size-fits-all solution. As there are many different sustainable land management interventions, we use various landscape restoration techniques:
The most suitable interventions are combined for our project areas. These interventions are selected in close collaboration with our local partners based on physical conditions (land use, climate, soil conditions, slope) and social conditions (socio-economic structures and land use).